The College de Paris is a private institution with a mission statutory mission “to make excellence accessible through a community of schools”. Our institutions share three founding values:
- Excellence in Higher Education
- International opening
- Individualized support toward employment
College de Paris programs have been designed to provide candidates with a unique and flexible approach to excellence in higher education by combining self-learning materials and live sessions. Students are able to follow stand-alone Certificates that will enhance their professional skills, with the added value of having the possibility to combine them into a fully worldwide-recognized Degree BBA or MBA if and when all certificates required are obtained and a capstone is validated.
Students also have the option to study on-ground in one of the campuses (France, Dubai, Washington, Bangalore, and Abuja among others).
1. France Compétence
Collège de Paris programs prepare students for degrees registered in the Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (RNCP). Depending on the specialization, the certificate is issued by Collège de Paris, by the institution itself, or by one of its partners.
2. Qualité FLE
The CIEP, a French public organization that certifies French as a foreign language center, has awarded Elfe the official “Qualité FLE” label.
3. Qualiopi
The majority of the Collège de Paris’ establishments are holders of the Qualiopi certification, which attests to the quality of the process implemented and contributes to the development of skills according to a national quality reference framework. It is awarded according to 7 criteria linked to 32 indicators.
4. Erasmus+
Ecole Bleue and Institut Supérieur de l’Environnement adhere to the Erasmus+ Charter. Elfe welcomes French speakers in training with the support of Erasmus+.
5. Eduniversal
Eduniversal is an international ranking agency specializing in higher education, particularly business schools, masters, and MBAs. The flagship programs of the Collège de Paris are audited each year by Eduniversal.